Monday, August 04, 2003

On October 26 Derren Brown will appear in Channel 4 doing something most people think as pure madness : playing Russian Roulette. A person from the audience (previously chosen through the test found in Channnel 4's website - it could be you!) will load the gun. Derren Brown will pull the trigger. He maintains his mind control and mind reading techniques will allow him to stop in time before his brain being blown up to pieces by the only bullet loaded in the barrel. Derren is a psychological illusionist, what is popularly known as a 'mind-reader'. In previous series he has been able to persuade people to say/do things they thought would never do, has found out when second-hand car dealers where lying to him and told total strangers about things in their lives they only knew about. Persuasive techniques and psychological insight used on stage. But more than that, Derren Brown's popularity is also due to his polite and gentle character as well as this mistery aura that surrounds him. A modern Houdini for those of you already fed up with David Copperfield's extravaganzas.

Channel 4 promete hacer historia cuando el 26 de Octubre Derren Brown juegue a la Ruleta Rusa en vivo y en directo. Una persona del publico asistente (seleccionada previamente a traves del test de la pagina web de Channel 4) cargara una unica bala en el arma. Derren Brown apretara el gatillo. Derren asegura que su abilidad como lector de mentes (el nunca ha mencionado la telepatia! dice ser un ilusionista psicologico) y poderes de sugestion le permitiran parar a tiempo antes de que la unica bala del cargador sea disparada. En anteriores series Derren se las arreglo para convencer a desconocidos de hacer o decir cosas que nunca se les habria ocurrido por si mismos delante de la camara. Y no solo eso, tambien descubrio las mentiras de los vendedores de coche de segunda mano (esos si que son profesionales de la mentira!) y asombro a desconocidos en la calle al hablarles de hechos o detalles que solo ellos conocian. Psicologia y tecnicas de persuasion puestas al servicio del espectaculo por un profesional educadisimo, amable y, por supuesto, misterioso: el Houdini del siglo XXI para los que ya esteis hartos de las extravagancias hollywoodienses de David Copperfield.

Beautiful weather today:
Partly Cloudy --->nope. It's sunny!!
Feels Like 26°C
UV Index: 3 Low
Wind: From the East Northeast at 5 mph
Dew Point: 24°C
Humidity: 98%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,021.7 mb