Monday, March 29, 2004

Some people out there will try to make money out of anything...there's somebody trying to auction a piece of concrete (approx 6cm x 3cm x 3cm) in Ebay, link here (or try searching for item number 2996235052) if it were a piece from the Berlin Wall!! As I explained on last Wednesday's post, the Tricorn Centre is being knocked down after being considered, for decades, the ugliest building in the United Kingdom! The amazing thing is..anybody can go to the Tricorn Centre and ask for a piece of concrete, or just pick it up from the floor, nobody wants them, it's just rubbish! Mad, mad world...

Hay gente que intenta sacar dinero de las piedras..y nunca mejor dicho! En Ebay -link aqui (o buscar articulo numero 2996235052) hay un tipo que esta subastando un pedazo de cemento del Tricorn Centre como si se tratara de un pedazo del muro de Berlin!! El Tricorn Centre que, tal como explique en mi post del pasado miercoles, va a ser demolido y es considerado uno de los edificios mas feos del Reino Unido! Pero si los pedruscos salen gratis! Ahora mismo vamos al Tricorn y los de la empresa de derribos nos dan lo que queramos!El mundo esta loco, loco, loco...

The weather today:
Mostly Cloudy
UV Index: 1 Minimal
Wind: From the Southeast at 7 mph
Dew Point: 3C
Humidity: 61%
Visibility: 9 miles
Barometer: 1,019.6 mb

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