Friday, March 05, 2004

Stonehenge is one of the UK's most important prehistoric monuments but it is currently surrounded by roads and its visitor facilities are inadequate for today’s needs, according to English Heritage, the institution that preserves and manages the site. This is why the Stonehenge Project has been created : in the future, roads will be removed or tunnelled and ploughed fields returned to open grassland. A new visitor centre will be built outside the World Heritage Site and there will be improved access through the Stonehenge World Heritage Site landscape. I do really hope the Project takes into account the main entrance to Stonehenge. As it is now, it is appalling (see photo 1). The first view you get of the monument is its worst side! I've heard visitors exclaiming 'how disappointing!' several times. Then they keep walking around the stone circle and their view changes radically. Especially when they've almost completed the circle. Just when you are about to leave, Stonehenge offers you its best side!(see photo 2) If the present entrance were to be 200 metres down the road, our first view of Stonehenge would be of the astonighingly beautiful monument that it is. EH people, please...move the entrance down the road as soon as possible! We deserve to see Stonehenge at its best for more than some last minute moments!

Stonehenge es uno de los monumentos prehistoricos mas importantes del Reino Unido. Actualmente esta rodeado de carreteras y su centro de informacion para visitantes es palpablemente inadecuado para las necesidades de hoy en dia, como reconoce English Heritage, la institucion que preserva y controla el acceso al monumento. Asi pues, se ha puesto en marcha el Proyecto Stonehenge que, en un futuro proximo, reorganizara el acceso a Stonehenge mediante nuevas y mas distantes carreteras y tuneles, ademas de construir un centro de informacion para visitantes mas alejado del monumento. Espero que este Proyecto tenga en cuenta la entrada principal al circulo. La entrada actual (foto 1) esta situada en el peor angulo para tener una buena vista de Stonehenge. El comentario mas frecuente de los visitantes, nada mas entrar es 'no es lo que me esperaba'. Despues siguen caminando alrededor del circulo y su opinion va cambiando gradualmente hasta que, justo cuando van a tomar la salida, ven la mejor cara (foto 2) de Stonehenge! Si la entrada actual estuviera situada 200 metros mas abajo en la carretera, la primera vision de Stonehenge seria la del increiblemente majestuoso monumento que es en realidad. Asi que, English Heritage, por favor...moved la entrada de una vez y dejadnos ver la mejor cara de Stonehenge por mas tiempo que unos breves minutos al final de la visita!

The weather today:
Light Rain
UV Index: 1 Minimal
Wind: From the Northwest at 2 mph
Dew Point: 6C
Humidity: 93%
Visibility: 2 miles
Barometer: 1,017.9 mb

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