Thursday, September 30, 2004

More good news from New Zealand! I read in The NZ Herald:"Kiwifruit can help battle heart disease. Eating kiwifruit daily can fight off heart disease by cutting dangerous fat that can block arteries and reducing the risk of blood clots, research has revealed. The groundbreaking findings by Norwegian scientists shows eating kiwifruit each day cuts the amount of fat platelets being pumped around the body while also thinning the blood -- reducing the risk of potentially fatal clots.
The work, at the University of Oslo, showed that eating two or three kiwifruit a day for 28 days reduced the platelet aggregation response to the release of collagen in the bloodstream".
Let's have some kiwifruits then!

Mas buenas noticias de Nueva Zelanda! Leo en el NZ Herald: "El kiwi puede ser de ayuda contra las enfermedades cardiovasculares. Comer kiwis diariamente ayuda a prevenir las enfermedades cardiovasculares porque reduce las grasas que se acumulan en las arterias, a la vez que reduce la posibilidad de formacion de coagulos, segun un estudio realizado por un grupo de cientificos noruegos de la Universidad de Oslo. Durante la investigacion se demostro que comiendo 2 o 3 kiwis durante 28 dias, las grasas se reducian debido a la aparicion de colageno en el sistema circulatorio".
Ala pues, a comer kiwis!

The weather today:
UV Index: 1 Low
Wind: From the Southwest at 15 mph
Dew Point: 16C
Humidity: 93%
Visibility: 6 miles
Barometer: 1,015.9 mb

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Warning! This post may irreparably offend Harry Potter's fans.
I am reading 'Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix'. It is my first Harry Potter, apart from watching the first two Potter films on Sky. I saw the book in the Library yesterday. They are very difficult to borrow, as they are very looked for and always on loan. So when I saw it, I thought Now or Never! and I took it home. I've read five chapters and by now feel very frustrated and even bored. I'll explain myself.

Here we have Harry, our hero, the main character. Kept uninformed and separated from his friends during the whole summer. Suddenly he is attacked by Death Eaters and has to defend himself. It is a very dangerous and terrifying situation. Later on, we are told all the adults in the story knew something was going to happen but they didn't tell Harry because well, after all, he is only a child. So they arranged to have Harry watched and protected without him knowing of the danger. Of course, Harry's guard decides to go and buy some 2nd hand cauldrons that particular evening and, of course, the Death Eaters come and attack Harry. Of course. That is the word. My my...can't we be MORE previsible??? And then, of course, when Harry very rightly asks what is going on, the adults just want to keep things secret and have lots of meetings where they discuss Harry's situation. But tell Harry? Noooo! Of course not! Oh come on...I can see that some children who read the book may somehow feel identified with Harry, with this division 'children vs adults'/ 'us vs them' but pleeeeassseee!! This is not real! We all know Harry is the main character. We all know Harry is the hero. We all know whatever the adults do, Harry will have to save the situation at the last minute. So... if we all know can the author try to make us believe that the adults will not tell Harry what is going on? It's ridiculous. And it seems it happens in ALL HP books! Incredible!

What's more. If a child keeps pestering you to tell him something...wouldn't you just tell him, so he stops moaning and whinging and making your life a living hell? Of course you would tell him! So come on, Mrs Rowling... play a new record, this is stuck!

Aviso! Este post puede daniar los sentimientos de los fans de Harry Potter!
Estoy leyendo Harry Potter y La orden del Fenix (en ingles). Es mi primer Harry Potter en libro, aparte de las dos primeras peliculas que he visto en Sky. Ayer estaba en la biblioteca y vi el libro, cosa que me sorpredio muchisimo, ya que los libros de HP van la mar de buscados y estan siempre prestados, por lo que nunca he tenido la oportunidad de leer uno. Asi que cuando lo vi, me dije 'Ahora o Nunca' y me lo lleve a casa. He leido cinco capitulos y los sentimientos que imperan son aburrimiento y frustracion. Os explico.

Aqui tenemos a nuestro Harry, el heroe de la historia, el personaje principal, separado de sus amigos y pasando un verano aburridisimo en casa de sus tios. De pronto, es atacado por un par de Death Eaters y tiene que defenderse, es una situacion peligrosisima. Mas tarde, nos enteramos de que todos los adultos de la historia sabian que algo asi podia pasar, pero no dijeron nada a Harry porque, al fin y al cabo, es solo un ninio. Le ponen proteccion pero le mantienen en la ignorancia. Y, por supuesto, el guarda asignado decide ir a comprar unos calderones de segunda mano y los Death Eaters, por supuesto, aprovechan la oportunidad para tratar de matar a Harry. Por supuesto. Esa es la palabra: 'por supuesto'. Pero buenooo.... esto es el colmo de lo previsible, hombre! Y claro, cuando Harry, con todo su derecho, pregunta que caray esta pasando, los adultos solo quieren mantener el secreto y organizar importantes reuniones para discutir el tema. Pero contarle a Harry lo que sucede?? Noooo, hombre noooo!!! Venga hombre, me imagino que algunos ninios que leen los libros de HP se sienten identificados con esta situacion de 'adultos contra los ninios' o 'nosotros contra ellos' pero por favoooor!!! Esto no es real! Todos sabemos que Harry es el heroe de la historia. Sabemos que da igual lo que hagan los adultos, al final Harry tendra que salvar la situacion en el ultimo momento, como siempre. Asi que si todos vemos que esta situacion es bien obvia...como pretende la autora que nos creamos que los adultos no le dicen nada a Harry? Es ridiculo. Encima, resulta que esta situacion se repite en todos los libros de HP. Increible!

Ademas, si un ninio se pone pesadisimo y me hace la misma pregunta cien mil veces, yo le respondo, por favor. Para que se calle de una punietera vez y me deje en paz, caray, yo le respondo y le cuento toda la situacion. Asi que Sra.Rowling...por favor, cambie el disco, que este ya esta mas que rallado!

The weather today:
UV Index: 0 Low
Wind: From the West at 3 mph
Dew Point: 13C
Humidity: 91%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,017.3 mb

Monday, September 27, 2004

I do recommend this show : Michael Flatley's "Lord of the Dance" . We went to see it a couple of weeks ago - I forgot to post about it! It is not a new show, it has been on for some years now, but if you've missed it before, now may be your opportunity. I didn't go, years ago, when the show was the 'hottest thing in town'. I thought the queues were too long, the good and bad reviews were too exaggerated and the tickets were too expensive. The show was a MUST to see, then. People went because it was the fashionable thing to do. Like people who read books because they are 'the thing to read this season!'. Ridiculous. I hate that. So now, years later, when I can judge for myself and there is no peer pressure 'to go and see it because everybody who is anybody has seen it', I've bought my tickets and seen the show.
The plot in itself is very simple, Good vs Evil but hey, what are we here for? the plot? Not really. We go to see Lord of the Dance because of the Irish dancing. And that is good. Very good. Go see them if they come to your city. And they may be coming, after all, Michael Flatley has 4 troupes touring the globe. We saw Troupe number 4, by the way!

Recomiendo ver este show : "Lord of the Dance" de Michael Flatley. Fuimos a verlo hace un par de semanas - me olvide de postear sobre el tema! No es un show nuevo, ya hace unos anitos que da vueltas por los escenarios, pero si antes te lo perdiste, quiza ahora sea la ocasion. Yo no fui hace anios. Demasiadas colas, demasiado bombo y platillo y entradas demasiado caras. Era el espectaculo al que 'se habia de asistir' porque todos iban a verlo. Yo no fui. Pero ahora si. Anios despues, cuando las buenas y malas criticas y el 'pero tienes que ir, no te lo puedes perder' han desaparecido, es buen momento para ver un espectaculo, una pelicula. Asi juzgamos por nosotros mismos, y no por lo que otros nos dicen. Asi vamos porque queremos, y no porque 'todo el mundo va, tienes que ir'. Que ridiculo.
Bien, la historia en si es bien simple, la eterna lucha del Bien contra el Mal, pero a ver, no vamos a ver Lord of the Dance por la historia, exclusivamente, sino por el baile tipico irlandes. Y eso es bueno. Muy muy bueno. Id a verlos si visitan vuestra ciudad. Que no seria tan raro, despues de todo, Michael Flatley tiene 4 troupes dando vueltas por el globo. Nosotros vimos a la Troupe numero 4, por cierto!

The weather today:
UV Index: 1 Low
Wind: From the West Northwest at 6 mph
Dew Point: 16C
Humidity: 88%
Visibility: 6 miles
Barometer: 1,021.7 mb

Friday, September 24, 2004

OK then I am NOT old. We went up to London to see Suede a couple of years ago, ha ha! Cartoon from the brilliant Toothpaste for Dinner , as usual.

Vale. Pues no somos viejos, entonces. Subimos a Londres a ver Suede hace un par de anios, je je! El comic es de la genial Toothpaste for Dinner , como siempre.

The weather today:
Mostly Cloudy
UV Index: 1 Low
Wind: From the North Northwest at 9 mph
Dew Point: 3C
Humidity: 48%
Visibility: 6 miles
Barometer: 1,022.0 mb

Thursday, September 23, 2004

It's one of these days where I fuck up everything I do. I sent a form by email to a list of respectable doctors and professors in Politics. Then I realised the form was badly designed, so I fixed it up and sent it again with my apologies. Five minutes later I realised I had protected the form so nobody would be able to write on it. Great. Then I could not unprotect the document so I had to create it again. I put some notes on it, telling the users to close the 'Design' button before trying to complete the questionnaire. And sent it again to all the respectables... a moment ago, I realised I should have said 'click on' instead of 'close' the Design button. It's NOT my best day.

Es uno de esos dias en que la cago en todo lo que hago. Envie un formulario para rellenar a toda una lista de respetables doctorados y profesores en Politica del pais. Cinco minutos despues, me di cuenta de que el formulario estaba mal diseniado. Lo arregle y envie de nuevo, con disculpas. Solo para darme cuenta de que lo habia enviado como documento protegido y nadie podria rellenarlo. Para mas inri, ni tan solo yo pude quitar la proteccion. Tuve que crear el documento de nuevo. Para aclarar las cosas, puse una nota en el documento, diciendo que para empezar a rellenarlo, cerraran el boton de 'Disenio'. Y ahora mismo me he dado cuenta de que en lugar de decir 'cerrar' hubiera tenido que decir 'cliquear' en el boton Disenio. Hoy NO es mi dia.

The weather today:
Mostly Cloudy
UV Index: 1 Low
Wind: From the North at 15 mph
Dew Point: 11C
Humidity: 68%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,012.2 mb

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

I managed to get five minutes to request my next holidays which, of course, have been approved. So between Xmas holidays and annual leave, we can go to the States from the 24th December to the 14th January. Hurrah! We have decided we will fly to Washington, rent a car and go all the way down to Florida. As the McDonalds ad says...I'm loving it!

Me las arregle para tener cinco minutos libres para pedir mis proximas vacaciones que, por supuesto, han sido aceptadas. Asi que entre las vacaciones de Navidad y vacaciones anuales, podemos ir a los US del 24 de Diciembre al 14 de Enero. Hurra! Hemos decidido que volaremos a Washington, alquilaremos un coche y bajaremos hasta Florida. Como dice el anuncio de McDonalds...I'm loving it!

The weather today:
Mostly Cloudy and Windy
UV Index: 2 Low
Wind: From the West Southwest at 37 mph
Dew Point: 13C
Humidity: 79%
Visibility: 10 miles
Barometer: 1,017.3 mb

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Too much work and no time to post!!! And we have not even started enrolling students....Heeeeeelp!!!

Demasiado trabajo y demasiado poco tiempo para postear!!! Y pensar que aun no hemos ni empezado las matriculaciones...Auxiiiiliiiiooo!!!

The weather today:
Mostly Cloudy and Windy
UV Index: 1 Low
Wind: From the West Northwest at 29 mph
Dew Point: 7C
Humidity: 57%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,020.0 mb

Friday, September 17, 2004

Other highlights : Siena and San Gimignano . Both in Tuscany. Both medieval cities. Walls, towers, cobbled streets. And Chianti wine!

Otros dos de mis lugares preferidos en Italia : Siena y San Gimignano . Ambos en la Toscana. Ambas ciudades medievales. Muros, torres, calles de adoquines. Y vino Chianti!

The weather today:
UV Index: 0 Low
Wind: From the South Southwest at 15 mph
Dew Point: 14C
Humidity: 91%
Visibility: 4 miles
Barometer: 1,016.6 mb

Thursday, September 16, 2004

And these above are the highlights from our trip to Italy :
David by Michelangelo in Galleria dell'Academia, Florence. Beautiful to the point of looking unreal.
The Roman Pantheon in Rome. The everlasting perfection of the biggest Roman dome that ever existed. It took centuries (until the Renaissance) for the architecs to be able to create again a building with a dome.

Y arriba teneis dos ejemplos de lo mejor que hemos visto en Italia :
David de Miguel Angel en la Galleria dell'Academia en Florencia. Tan bello que parecia irreal.
El Panteon Romano en Roma. La perfeccion infinita de la mayor cupula construida durante el Imperio Romano. Los arquitectos tardaron siglos (hasta el Renacimiento) en conseguir construir otro edificio con cupula.

The weather today:
Mostly Cloudy
UV Index: 1 Low
Wind: From the South Southwest at 20 mph
Dew Point: 10C
Humidity: 63%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,022.0 mb

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

- "Fare il pieno, per favore".
- Are you sure I should say that?
- Errrr...I guess so. I don't speak Italian!

This is the usual conversation we had at gas stations in Italy. Because you see, in Italy they still have manned gas stations. You will not find many self-service gas stations, that's for sure. So there I was, trying to think how to say 'I want a full tank' in Italian. And not only that. There's the protocol. What are you supposed to do? Get out of the car? Open the tank? Leave also that to the assistant? I tried to recall how it was when I was a child. A long queue of cars at the gas station. When it's our turn, Dad gets out of the car. Mom and children stay in. Dad hands car keys to the assistant and asks for the exact amount (in pesetas, at that time). While the assistant fills up the tank, Dad makes small talk with him. Then Dad pays (in cash!) the gas assistant and that's it. You were loyal to your local gas station and would always fill up the tank before a long trip instead of using the gas stations at the motorway. They were more expensive, anyway. That's what Dad said. Mind you, long trips when I was a child were a 100 kilometre distance!

So is it the same nowadays in Italy? Not really. There is a long queue of cars, that's the same. There are not many assistants and even if a gas pump is free, they want you to wait for the assistant! The driver can stay in the car and hand the car keys to the assistant, who will fill up the tank. We all get full tanks, nowadays. Then the driver gets out of the car and follows the assistant to the booth to make the payment. Sometimes the assistant cleans your windscreen while filling up. That's nice. But, frankly, it is slow. When I was a child, there was no other option. Things were slower, then. But now I don't want to wait for an assistant if I am perfectly able to fill the tank for myself and I see free pumps. If the same pump accepts crredit cards, much better. Fill up and get out of there as quickly as possible. Oh yes. We have lost the 'humanity'. The small talk with the assistant. But, frankly, I always thought my dad looked bored to death while talking about the weather and the raise in fuel prices to the gas assistant. So give me self-service stations and let the good times roll (fast, faster, please!). Oh and let me add, while on this topic : I do really hate the smell of gas.

- "Fare il pieno, per favore".
- Seguro que tengo que decir eso?
- Errrr...Supongo. Si yo no hablo italiano!

Esta es la conversacion tipica que hemos mantenido al llegar a todas las gasolineras en Italia. Porque, vereis... en Italia aun tienen gasolineras con servicio. No encontrareis muchas gasolineras de self-service en Italia, eso es seguro. Asi que ahi me teneis, pensando como decir 'Lleneme el deposito, por favor' en italiano. Y no solo eso. Tambien tenemos el protocolo. Que se supone que tienes que hacer? Salir del coche? Abrir el deposito? Dejar que lo haga el 'gasolinero'? Me puse a recordar como eran las cosas en mi niniez. Habia una cola larguisima de coches en la gasolinera. Cuando nos tocaba a nosotros, Papa salia del coche. Mama y los ninios se quedaban dentro. Papa daba las llaves del deposito al gasolinero y pedia el importe exacto (en pesetas, por aquel entonces). Mientras el gasolinero llenaba el deposito, Papa le daba conversacion. Despues Papa pagaba (en efectivo!)al gasolinero y finalizaba el ritual. Se era leal a la gasolinera de tu barrio y se llenaba siempre el deposito antes de iniciar un largo viaje. Las gasolineras de la autopista eran muy caras. O, al menos, eso es lo que decia Papa. Claro que, por aquel entonces, un largo viaje eran unos 100 kilometros, mas o menos!

Asi lo mismo hoy en dia en Italia? No del todo. Hay una cola larguisima de coches, porque, aunque haya mangueras libres, quieren que esperes a que te atienda el gasolinero. El conductor puede quedarse dentro del coche y dar las llaves al gasolinero, quien abrira el deposito y lo llenara. Completo, seguramente. Lo de dar el precio justo ya no lo hace nadie, no? Luego el conductor sale del coche y sigue al gasolinero a la oficina, donde se paga. Normalmente, con tarjeta de crredito. A veces, el gasolinero te limpia el parabrisas. Que amable. Pero, francamente, es lento. Muy lento. En mi niniez, no habia otra opcion. Todo era mas lento, entonces. Hoy en dia no quiero esperar a que me atienda un gasolinero si soy perfectamente capaz de llenar el deposito sin ayuda. Si puedo pagar con tarjeta de creedito en el mismo lugar, con una maquina y sin pasar por caja, mucho mejor. Ah si. Hemos perdido la 'humanidad' de la transaccion. La charla con el gasolinero. Pero la verdad, siempre me dio la impresion de que mi padre se moria de aburrimiento hablando del tiempo y del aumento del precio de la gasolina con el gasolinero. Asi que dadme gasolineras self-service y dejadme salir volando (rapido, mas rapido!). Ah, es que ademas no soporto el olor a gasolina, ya que estamos en el tema.

The weather today:
Mostly Cloudy
UV Index: 3 Moderate
Wind: From the West Northwest at 15 mph
Dew Point: 9C
Humidity: 56%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,019.6 mb

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Ah Venezia, the cannals the palazzos, the gondolas, how romantic, isn't it? Well, no. I had been in Venezia on January 95. It was cold, foggy and wet. In fact, St Marks Square had been flooded for days before my arrival. Not very romantic, really. This time, I wanted to see the sunny face of Venezia, so we decided to go back there during our trip to Italy. It was hot, humid and full of tourists. No romanticism here, either. I can cope with that, to a certain degree. What I cannot cope with is lies and scams targeted at visitors. And we started the day with a big scam. Which we managed to avoid, but narrowly. And we are still angry about it as it seems to be done with the consent of Venezia's authorities. It involves the Tronchetto public car park.

Drive your car to Venezia and you will have to use an expensive car park. Right. I agree. Land is expensive there, so we agree to pay the 18 euros a day with the understanding that right outside the public car park there is a vaporetto stop from where we will be able to ride on public transportation to the city. As soon as we arrive to the car park, several car park assistants, in full official uniform, direct us to a specific floor where we are told to park our car in a specific space. As soon as we get out of the car, a swarm of these public car park employees direct us to the end of the car park, no discussion here, they are in charge, make us take a lift and give us quick explanations on how much to pay for public transport. Out of the lift and another employee points to a road which we are supposed to walk until we get to the public transportation. Several metres ahead, another employee directs us to a harbour. To our surprise, there is no public transportation (vaporetto) there. Only water taxis. The most expensive transportation in Venezia (apart from gondolas, that is). Other tourists jump in the water taxis and wait for us. We are told it's 10,50 euros. But we want the public transportation, which is 3,50 euros. We are told there is no public transportation. Water taxi, take it or walk 7 kilometres to Venezia city centre. When we do not accept the extorsionate prices and try to look up at our guide book, we are shouted at and insulted by the taxi drivers. We are told to get out of there and walk to Venezia, as we seem to know better than them, who have lived all their lives in Venezia. Other tourists are approaching behind us. It is obvious they do not want us to make them doubt about the only choice.

We return to the car park, where other car park employees are very annoyed at seeing us again back there, without having paid the water taxis. It is obvious they will not get their commission from our fares. With bad manners, we are told to walk to the other side of the car park, where finally, we see the public transportation signs and booths were we can buy our tickets. Seven euros give us a return ticket to Venezia, via the Grand Cannal. The water taxi is 10,50 euros one way. The tourists who accepted the extorsion will have to pay their return by public transportation later on in the day, when they realise they have no return ticket. By then, the car park assistants have already left the car park. Obviously, to avoid complaints from the angry returning tourists. All this in a public car park, managed by the Venetian authorities. Start your day this way and I assure you, romanticism is the last thing in your mind. Murder, blood and vengeance is all you think of!

Ah Venecia, los cannales, los palacios, las gondolas, que romantico, no? Pues no. Me explico. Estuve anteriormente en Venecia en enero de 1995. Hacia frio, niebla y llovia. De hecho, la Plaza San Marcos habia estado inundada durante una semana antes de mi llegada. De romantico, muy poco. Esta vez, queria ver la cara alegre de Venecia, asi que decidimos volver por un dia durante nuestras vacaciones en Italia. Hacia calor, humedad pegajosa y estaba lleno de turistas. De romanticismo, bien poco. Vale. Lo acepto, Venecia es una ciudad real y no de cuento de hadas. Pero lo que no acepto, de ninguna manera, son las mentiras y los enganios a los turistas. Y asi empezamos el dia. Al final, no nos enganiaron, pero nos fue de bien poco. Aun estamos enfadados, y aun mas si consideramos que la estafa esta perpetrada en el parking publico de Tronchetto con el consentimiento de las autoridades venecianas.

Si llegas en coche a Venecia, tendras que aparcarlo en un parking caro. No hay alternativa. Los terrenos son caros en Venecia, asi que estamos de acuerdo en pagar 18 euros al dia por aparcar el coche, sabiendo que hay una parada de vaporetto en el mismo parking que nos llevara hasta el centro de la ciudad. Al llegar al parking, un empleado con uniforme nos indica subir a un piso en concreto. Alli, otro empleado en uniforme, nos seniala el lugar justo donde aparcar. Nada mas bajar del coche, un enjambre de empleados en uniforme nos rodea y nos lleva hacia la salida del parking, mientras nos informan de los precios del vaporetto y las distintas opciones. Nos hacen bajar en ascensor hasta la calle, donde otro empleado en uniforme nos indica caminar calle abajo, hasta que otro empleado, tambien en uniforme, nos hace entrar en un muelle. Para nuestra sorpresa, no hay vaporettos (transporte publico) sino solo barcas-taxis, el transporte mas caro en Venecia (sin contar las carisimas gondolas, claro!). Otros turistas suben a los taxis sin rechistar, aceptando el precio extorsionante de 10,50 hasta Venecia centro. Nos negamos a subir al taxi, explicando que queremos transporte publico, vaporetto, que cuesta 3,50 euros por trayecto. Nos dicen que no hay transporte publico. O el taxi, o caminais hasta Venecia, y son 7 km. Cuando no aceptamos la extorsion y sacamos nuestra guia para ver donde esta la parada de vaporettos, los taxistas nos gritan e insultan. Nos gritan que nos larguemos de alli, que andemos hasta Venecia, ya que somos unos listillos que sabemos mas que ellos, que han nacido y vivido todas sus vidas en Venecia. Por detras se acercan otros turistas. Es evidente que los taxistas no quieren que les hagamos dudar de la unica opcion de transporte a Venecia.

Volvemos al parking. Los empleados, cuando nos ven, ponen mala cara. Claro, acaban de perder la comision que les dan los taxistas por cada pasajero que les sirven en bandeja. Con malos modos, nos gritan que nos dirijamos al otro lado del parking donde, finalmente, vemos carteles indicando transporte publico y las taquillas donde comprar los billetes. Siete euros y tenemos billetes de ida y vuelta a Venecia, en vaporetto y a lo largo del Gran Cannal El taxi son 10,50 euros solo ida. Los turistas que aceptaron la extorsion tendran que pagar el regreso al parking, usando transporte publico, al final del dia, cuando se den cuenta de que no tienen el regreso pagado. Por aquel entonces, los empleados del parking ya se han largado a casa. Obviamente, para evitar las quejas de airados turistas que se sienten estafados. Y todo esto sucede en un parking publico, construido y dirigido por las autoridades venecianas. Os puedo asegurar que empezando asi el dia, lo unico que no me viene a la cabeza es romanticismo. Mis pensamientos giran mas en torno al asesinato, venganza y rios de sangre, por poner un ejemplo!

The weather today:
Mostly Cloudy and Windy
UV Index: 1 Low
Wind: From the West at 29 mph
Dew Point: 5C
Humidity: 42%
Visibility: 6 miles
Barometer: 1,002.0 mb

Monday, September 13, 2004

Back from holidays on Saturday and we were greeted with rain and wind. Lovely. Today I was told (again!) how lovely the weather had been here while I was abroad. Thank you, weather. Thank you very much. Aaaarrrghh!!
OK, I shouldn't complain. Apart from two cloudy, hot and humid days in Barcelona, the rest of the time was sunny, hot and humid in Italy. Very very humid in Rome. I was dissappointed with Rome. Noisy. Dirty. OK, I can live with that (for a while, just for a while, eh?) but I cannot live seeing beatiful Roman ruins being treated as if they were a pigsty. I saw that in Rome. For instance, just one example : A cat colony had been created in one of the spots with Roman ruins. The cats roamed freely there. Fine. Nothing against cats. But yes, lots lots lots against cats peeing and shitting in Roman ruins and smelling like hell. Is this the way of treating our historic past?? Another example : The Roman Forum. No signs indicating what was what. Weeds growing everywhere. One column thrown here, a lovely carved frieze thrown there. I then realised Romans do not especially love or appreciate their historic past. I suspect they don't give a damn. Of course it is more important to own the last thing in mobile phones or scooters. They will keep this and that monument so tourists keep coming, but the love I have seen in England for a bit of a Roman mosaic, carefully preserved and indicated by societies like English Heritage, this is not known in Italy. And that saddens me. Very much.

De vuelta de vacaciones este sabado y nos reciben la lluvia y el viento. Encantador. Hoy me han dicho (y otra vez!dale que te pego!) que hizo un tiempo estupendo mientras yo estaba fuera. Gracias, tiempo. Muchas gracias. Aaaarrrgghh!!!
Vale, no tendria que quejarme. A parte de dos dias nublados, calurosos y humedos en Barcelona, el resto del tiempo fue soleado, caluroso y humedo en Italia. Especialmente humedo y pegajoso en Roma. Hablando de Roma, me ha decepcionado. Sucia. Ruidosa. Vale, puedo vivir con eso (pero por poquito tiempo, eh?). Con lo que si que no puedo vivir es viendo ruinas romanas tratadas como si fueran una porqueriza. Y eso lo vi en Roma. Un ejemplo : en una de las zonas con ruinas romanas, el paso a visitantes estaba prohibido. Era una colonia de gatos callejeros protegida por el ayuntamiento. Cientos de gatos a su aire. Que me parece perfecto. Pero no en ruinas romanas. Muy mal que cientos de gatos se caguen y se meen en nuestro pasado historico. El lugar apestaba. Asi se trata a nuestro pasado historico?? Otro ejemplo : El Foro Romano. Ni un cartel indicando que es esto o que es aquello. Hierbajos por todas partes. Una columna tirada por aqui, un precioso relieve tirado por alla. Entonces me di cuenta de que los romanos de hoy en dia no aprecian o estiman especialmente su pasado historico. Sospecho que, en realidad, les importa un carajo. Es mas importante tener el ultimo modelo de telefono movil o scooter, por supuesto. Mantendran con minimo esfuerzo los monumentos para que los turistas sigan viniendo, pero el amor que he visto en Inglaterra por un pedacito de mosaico romano, cuidadosamente preservado y explicado por sociedades como English Heritage, no existe en Italia. Y me entristece. Mucho.

The weather today:
Partly Cloudy and Windy
UV Index: 2 Low
Wind: From the Southwest at 33 mph
Dew Point: 10C
Humidity: 61%
Visibility: 10 miles
Barometer: 1,002.4 mb